If this or any other voting ends in a tie, a random number generator will be used to determine the winner.
Vote for your favorite airline between these two. The winner will advance to the next round of the final 4. The poll will remain open for 48 hours.
Please vote for your favorite airline from these two
- Singapore Airlines (56%, 58 Votes)
- Swiss (44%, 45 Votes)
Total Voters: 103

The downloadable bracket of all the match ups can be found here.
surprised that swiss didn’t make it. I guess thats why the call it an upset….
Wow a toughie… Both are almost as good as commercial airlines get. But I like Asian cuisine and more inclined towards SQ’s service style so my vote goes for SQ…
In almost any other combination I probably wouldn’t feel bad about voting SQ, sorry LX.
You skipped the Euros and went straight to World Cup?
I think Euro is better quality play but World Cup has great story lines.
My vote, without ever flying Singapore, goes to Swiss. They have a an Arsenal player on their football team.
Nothing airline related. sorry.
@zach – more pub for world cup but then again I’m American 😉