I’m always looking for ways to save money so that I can travel more. There is a great opportunity right now to save 20% on your purchases through Amazon. Here’s how to do it.
Step 1: https://sync.americanexpress.com/twitter/Index. I create a separate Twitter account and corresponding gmail address for each registered Amex user.
Step 2: Tweet #AmexLowes. To manage all of my Twitter accounts, I like to use a free Twitter client like TweetDeck. It gives you the ability to tweet from all of your accounts simultaneously.
Step 3: Confirm that you have the offer by clicking on @connect
Step 4:Spend $50 in one transaction at Lowe’s to get a $10 statement credit by November 15th. I have been purchasing Amazon gift cards, hence the 20% discount on my Christmas purchases.
Step 5: You’ll receive a confirmation email shortly after your purchase letting you know that you’ve saved $10 by using your synced card.
I’ve personally done this on three cards and have received statement credits on all. Enjoy the 20% savings so you can use that money to travel.
If you are in the midwest, you can safe ~30% at Amazon. I wrote about this at http://bit.ly/16eS6lz.
can this be done multiple times on the same card? doesn’t seem worth the effort unless it could be done in volume
@thewhitezone – only one credit per card.
another thing to consider is buying amazon gift cards at your office supply store and getting 5x…