American Express Small Business Saturday recap

I haven’t had a chance to recap the American Express Small Business Saturday promotion from this past year.

On November 26, 2011, American Express sponsored a Small Business Saturday promotion where you could earn a $25 statement credit for spending at least $25 at a small business. This year they had a list of all eligible small businesses on their Facebook page.

Registration was required ahead of time and was limited to a certain number of users.

We had participated in 2010 and were very prepared with all of our cards in advance. When the registration opened, we registered ourselves and all of our additional cardholders.

On November 26, we piled into the car with all of our additional cardholders and headed out to spend money at small businesses.

Small Business Saturday

The loot

We ended up with:
2 – $25 gift certificates to a local Thai food restaurant
2 – $25 gift cards to a local wing restaurant (with $10 gift card bonus for gift card purchase)
1 – $100 gift card to a local computer shop (they were running a buy a $100 gift card for $50 promo)
1 – $25 gift certificate to a local steak restaurant
2 – $25 gift certificates to a top rated Mexican food restaurant
$50 worth of steaks and meat from a local butcher
2 – $25 gift certificates to a local salon
2 – $25 toys from a local toy store

Total spend: $383.25
Total statement credits: $375
Total value: $435

We were happy to support local businesses and will be participating again in 2012.



  1. Robbie – I believe additional card holders with AmEx each get their own AmEx credit card number. If so, that is the reason that additional card holders can also take advantage of this benefit.

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