One of the fun things about winter is doing doughnuts – there’s a certain sense of losing control while being in complete control. Probably not the best idea for it happen in a Boeing 737 as this Scandiavian Airlines’ pilot finds out.
100 Free Continental Miles
Learn about Continental Credit and Debit Cards and earn 100 free Continental miles. I think my account must be cursed because these free Continental miles never show up in my account but it’s worth a try for 30 seconds of your time.
10,000 free Hilton Honors points
If you text HAMPTON to 40491 you will receive a text message with a phone number to call. Call that number with your Hilton Honors number and receive 10,000 Hilton Honors points. By doing this, you agree to receive text messages from Hilton. If the mailbox is full, email Link to Facebook page describing…
Free American Airlines miles via Facebook
Go to American Airlines Facebook page, “like” them, enter in your AA number and you’ll then earn between 100 to 100,000 AAdvantage Miles. I earned 100. Thanks to Dan’s Deals
Paying your gas bill by credit card
I’ve pretty much set up everything to be paid by my Delta American Express card now except for my gas bill. They are still living in the 1900s and make you pay by check. Today I happened to be on their website and noticed that for a $1.99 fee, you can pay by credit card.…
The Spouse and Upgrades debate
When it comes to my travel, I like to plan a lot ahead. I like to pick the best seats, the best hotels, the best flights, the best restaurants, and the best places to see while traveling. I’m also a hoarder of miles and points and to some extent pretty selfish about it. I always…
Sky Club in Miami
Dear Delta Your Sky Club in Miami is beautiful. You have really comfortable chairs. They are so comfortable that I would prefer to sit in my chair and do work rather than sit in uncomfortable bar stools at a counter. It would be really helpful if you could put outlets near the chairs so that…
Disappointed with Delta check in kiosks
Sometimes I wonder how much testing happens when companies roll out their products. The Delta check in kiosk is a pretty quick way to check in. Today as I was checking in and I was offered the ability to move to one of three earlier flights. As a Platinum – there is no change fee.…
The Cruise is half over
We’re half way done with our cruise. The staff has been extremely nice, the accommodations have been top notch, but I’m realizing that cruising isn’t our style. I’ll have a full write up after we’re done of the pluses and minuses plus some money saving tips for those of you taking this particular line. Our…
Sky Club in Atlanta
One of the benefits of the Platinum American Express is lounge access and so we’re sitting at the Sky Club by Chili’s in Atlanta. I’m very impressed with this Sky Club – plenty of seating, nice assortment of snacks, and overall very comfortable. On to Miami!
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