A Utah resident,Matt Pacenza, took a picture of a controversial license plate while he was driving. “DEPORTM” seemed to cross boundary of decency.
Hey @utahdld, how does this plate I just saw not violate your guidelines? #utpolhttps://t.co/zFDfm8IHxp pic.twitter.com/kt3S2KBh2z
— Matt Pacenza (@mattpacenza) January 9, 2020
It’s not the first time that there was been controversy in Utah regarding vanity license plates. A few years ago someone had the vanity license plate “FUHRER”.
Both the “DEPORTM” and “FUHRER” vanity plate were flagged for review after complaints from citizens about the offensiveness of them and ultimately revoked.
Vanity license plate requests that were turned down
Fox 13 did a public records request of other license plate applications that fortunately were turned down. Highlights include:
You know if they just revoked ALL vanity plates problem solved.
Kckgas is offensive? Why? Jealous of someones fuel economy? Agree about vanity plates – great way for another driver to remember the person who offended them – whether it was a real or imagined slight.
It’s controversial but many self included support the message wholeheartedly.
Once I saw a driver give the middle finger to another driver. I would never have remembered that except that the license plate was very memorable. I still see that car from time to time.