If you’re like me and made the awful decision to choose Delta as your airline for the $200 Platinum American Express airline credit, you’re probably struggling to spend the money. Delta is offering 5 – 1 day Delta Sky Club passes for $99 right now through Dec 31st. I purchased two sets last night at…
1000 Free Priority Club points
Earn 1000 Priority Club points for watching a 90 second video. Step 1:Go to priorityclub.com/visa1000 Step 2:Enter in one of the promo codes SKAEXGTNC4 SKAEXR6WC4 SKAEX8M4C4 SKAEX9KYC4 Step 3:Watch a 90 second video thanks to Points Master for the tip
Earn 50 Continental or United miles daily with foursquare or Facebook check in
Topguest and Foursquare have partnered for quite a while to reward users for checking in to hotel chains and to select airlines. United / Continental have now joined and are rewarding users with 50 miles for checking in to select “United / Continental airports“. It is easy to link up your Facebook or Foursquare account.…
Ghana, Nigeria, and Kenya trip report – pre-trip
Index Ghana, Nigeria, and Kenya trip report – pre-trip The flights Accra Coconut Grove The rain forest Nigeria Air and Sheraton Flight problems Kenya The trip home It was my very first trip to any part of Africa and therefore I was concerned about all kinds of things – malaria, bad food, bad water, etc.…
Priority Club points break update is out
An updated Priority Club points break list is out where you can book rooms for only 5000 points per night. Some of the highlights: Intercontinental in Almaty, Kazakhstan (I’ve stayed here, very nice hotel priced at $450) Intercontinental in Chicago (O’Hare) Intercontinental Beijing Intercontinental Hanoi Book quickly as they don’t last long
2011 Airline World Cup Europe Division
Vote for your favorite 6 European Airlines – the top 13 will advance to the World Cup. The polls will be open for 48 hours.
I’ve got two broken wrists and a microphone
Dictated to my wife since I cannot type right now- Last week I was involved in an accident resulting in a head wound, shattered my left wrist and both broke and dislocated my right wrist. This was really disappointing as I was scheduled to attend Blog World in Los Angeles the next day and missed…
2011 Airline World Cup United States / Canada division
As the 2011 Airline World Cup qualifying divisions continue, please vote for up to your 6 favorite airlines from the United States / Canada. The top six will advance to the World Cup. The poll will be open for 48 hours.
American Express Small Business Saturday registeration page now open
As I wrote about here, the American Express Small Business Saturday promotion is returning on November 26th. You must register your American Express card ahead of time – the American Express Small Business Saturday registration page is now open and is limited in the amount of registrants. I would recommend to do it quickly. The…
2011 Airline World Cup Oceania division
As we continue our qualifying rounds for the 2011 Airline World Cup, please vote for your favorite airline for the Oceania region. The polls will be open for 48 hours.
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