Review of Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and Spa Grand Club

a sign on a wall

Trip report: Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and Spa Review Review of Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and Spa Grand Club The Grand Club has complimentary continental breakfast in the morning and it’s a breakfast of sustenance. The Grand Club was also extremely quiet with lots of space inside and doors that opened up to a few…

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A rollover car crash made me finally purchase a dashcam

a car that has been crashed in a field

There are entire YouTube channels dedicated to crazy Russia dashcam videos like “Axe vs Bat”. Or a compilation of dash cam footage of multiple accidents in Russia. A dashcam isn’t anything that I ever considered needing because what is the purpose? Why would you need it? My opinion changed last fall as I was…

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An App that will show you hotel names of Priceline’s express deals is free today in the App Store

a screenshot of a hotel

Priceline Express Deals are a way to save up to 60% but it’s often difficult to make the decision because you don’t know which hotel it is that you’re booking. From website: What are Express Deals? Choose from a huge collection of top hotels at incredible prices with no bidding required. See the neighborhood,…

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Meeting @PeterBjornandJohn from the band Peter Bjorn and John thanks to @ThrillCall

a man playing a guitar

I was looking at Twitter and saw that one of my favorite bands, Peter Bjorn and John, were coming in concert to Ogden, Utah at the Ogden Amphitheater as part of the Twilight Concert Series. For those of you who perhaps don’t follow the band, Peter Bjorn and John are a trio hailing from Stockholm,…

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United Airlines had a flash sale and I ended up going to Maui

a screenshot of a social media post

I was sitting at work and taking a break when I decided to open up TweetDeck to see what was happening. Just then a tweet by Gary Leff from View From the Wing came through. A thought entered my mind – perhaps I should take the entire family to Hawaii? My kids haven’t been outside…

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Earn 500 United Miles for spending $5 with Visa Checkout

United is offering 500 United Miles if you spend $5 with Visa Checkout. The office is valid until 30 September 2016. In order to qualify, you need to create a new Visa Checkout account, add your MileagePlus number plus your MileagePlus Visa Card to your new Visa Checkout account via this link and then purchase…

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