I’ve had the Starwood Card for five years. I’ve paid the annual fee each year. I even kept the card when the annual fee went from $45 to $65 due to promotions like Small Business Saturday where with all of our cards we got $125 in goodies for free each year. There are also promotions…
A chance to be a part of a travel show
I received this email this morning and thought I would pass it on to anyone interested. You can see other productions that this company has done at www.magneticproductions.com. A Major Cable Network is looking for “Travel Hackers” who are outgoing, spontaneous, and are good at what they do! Is your current bankroll of points and…
Replacing $1 bills with $1 coins
The Wall Street Journal had an article this morning about replacing $1 bills with $1 coins. The Government Accountability Office (ironic name) is recommending that the $1 bill be phased out in favor of longer lasting $1 coins. A quote from the article: Last year, the U.S. Treasury curtailed production of dollar coins after finding…
Southern biscuits and gravy
One of the advantages of traveling is the ability to taste different cuisine from different parts of the world and the United States. Whether it’s goulash in Hungary, meatballs in Sweden, or wiener schnitzel in Germany – there are plenty of dishes that are a part of the reason to look forward to travel. Trying…
1 year of The Economist for 1,700 miles
UPDATE 11/27: Alaska, Hawaiian, and Frontier no longer available. A good use of miles oftentimes is for magazine subscriptions – especially if you have orphan miles from a program you don’t credit that often. I’ve been subscribing to The Economist for the past 6 years by using 3200 miles per year. For a limited time,…
Small Business Saturday registration
UPDATE: Here is the link to register your American Express cards. Registration spots are limited. REMINDER: Registration start tonight at 12 am MST / 2 am EST. The American Express Small Business Saturday promotion has announced that registration will be on Sunday, November 18th. This is a great opportunity to get a $25 statement credit…
Earn 8 miles by buying dollar coins
I received an offer through email from the Littleton Coin Company. They were offering an 8 Coin Set of Native American Dollars for $8 with free shipping. My heart started to beat a little faster….. perhaps there was a reincarnation of the Dollar Coin deal from the Mint? I tried to add quantity of 999…
American Airlines agent was on no fly list
The headline is as bizarre as the headlines from the newspaper Weekly World News that used to be there as you check out of the grocery store. “60 year smoker dies choking on nicotine gum” or “Cannibal wins baby back rib contest by using real baby back ribs” Luis Montano, who worked as a gate…
Vladimir Putin – master of the impossible
I’ve always been amused by the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin’s public relations antics. I wonder if everyday Russians actually believe some of these publicity stunts. In the past couple of weeks, he drove a plane to try and help some cranes migrate. In honor of his awesome publicity stunts, here is a ranking of…
Small Business Saturday registration
UPDATE 1: Registration start tonight at 12 am MST / 2 am EST. The American Express Small Business Saturday promotion has announced that registration will be on Sunday, November 18th. This is a great opportunity to get a $25 statement credit for each and every American Express card you have. Make sure that you have…
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